
I don’t want people to think I’m crazy.

I should be strong enough to handle my own problems.

I tried counseling before, and it didn’t work.

Have you heard those things, or thought them yourself?

It’s time you try therapy with A Healing Journey…

Therapy is a collaboration between you and the counselor.

Like any relationship, trust in the counselor and commitment to the process is necessary.

Timing matters, too.

“When the pain of change is less than the pain of staying the same, change will take place.”

- Unknown

Doing the same things over and over, and expecting different results, does not work.

If a person truly wants things to change, then the person needs to change what he or she is doing.

So, what do you do?

Figure out what your problem is? What are your beliefs about it? How important is it to change?

Therapy can help.

If the problem is causing you distress, then a therapist can help you figure out the answers.

Therapists do not “fix” anyone, but a therapist can help you uncover what’s been hidden. They give you tools that help you deal with your present, and be better prepared for your future.

Therapy helps you figure out what you need and what you want, so that you can achieve your goal. The therapist is only a resource, because you are the expert on you.

A therapist’s job is to walk beside you, encourage you, and help you achieve sound mental health.

Our Team

Stephanie Wilder, LPC

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Jordan Williams, LMSW

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